
Frank Beach is a founder of the Neuroendocrinology field

We are delighted to name Dr. Lauren O’Connell the 2017 winner of The Frank A. Beach Award in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. Lauren earned her B.S. from Cornell University prior to joining the Molecular and Cellular Biology Program at UT…




Eva K Fischer

We had a great time talking about poison frog biology to over 700 children at the Bay Area Science Festival at AT&T Park!

Kids got to see some live poison frogs, color some poison frog coloring sheets, and took home a toy poison frog…

The phantasmal poison frog, Epipedobates anthonyi, is the original source of epibatidine, discovered by John Daly in 1974. In fact, epibatidine is named for...

Our collaborative paper on genetic mechanisms of toxin resistance in poison frogs has been published in Science. Lead author extraordinaire Becca Tarvin's work shows that frogs have come up with multiple ways to resist the toxin epibatidine.…

The O'Connell lab has moved to Stanford.

  • Announcements

The O'Connell Lab is moving to Stanford! Harvard has been our home for five years, allowing us to take on huge risks with huge rewards and support. But the time has come to move to a more permanent place and we are thrilled that our new home is…

  • Announcements
  • Awards
  • Faculty

Lauren received the L'Oreal USA Changing the Face of STEM Mentorship Award, which will fund the participation of eight new schools our Little Frogger School Program!