
Billie Goolsby has joined the lab as a grad student! She is studying how poison frog moms interpret communication from their mates and offspring to make appropriate behavioral decisions. She has already established a community engagement program…

The lab has had some turn-over recently, with Dr. Eva Fischer leaving to start her own lab at the University of Illinois. Eva was a postdoc in the lab for 4 years, spanning our move from Harvard to Stanford. We wish her the best of luck as she…

A Diablito poison frog visits her offspring to provide unfertilized eggs packed with nutrition and poison!

Photo by Elicio Tapia

We published a paper in Current Biology this week on the Mechanisms of Convergent Egg Provisioning in Poison Frogs. This work was performed equally by Eva Fischer and Alex Roland, current and past postdocs in the lab. Our own Nora Moskowitz…

Lauren was named a New York Stem Cell Foundation Robertson Neuroscience Investigator and received a 1.5 million dollar grant to study the neural basis of behavior in tadpoles. 

Lauren received a $500,000 grant from the Rita Allen Foundation to study how nutrition during tadpole development influences brain development and function. Tadpoles for the win!

Aurora received a R. C. Lewontin Award from the Society for the Study of Evolution to fund her early dissertation work! Congrats Aurora and all other award recipients.

Lauren received an NSF CAREER grant to study spatial cognition in rainforest frogs. Educational components include founding a lab course at Stanford and creating a community college internship program.

Aurora received a grant from Sigma Xi to fund her field work in Ecuador this summer! Congrats to Aurora!

We (finally) published our study on the effect of seasons on Mantella laevigata diet and chemical defense. We found that although diet differs between the seasons, mantella toxic alkaloid profiles are relatively buffered against seasonal…